Favicon is the tiny image that appears next to the website’s title in the browser tab, history, and bookmarks. But do you know why does your WordPress website need one and how to add the favicon to your WordPress website?

Well, you’re in luck, today we’ll show you how to do this step by step! But before that, we’ll cover everything you need to know about favicons.

What is Favicon?

Favicon is the short form of “favorite icon” and can also be referred to as a site icon. It is typically a small 16 x 16 pixels image with a design representing the site’s identity. Despite its small size, WordPress favicon represents your website on various platforms. If a favicon is installed on your site correctly, browsers will use it on browser tabs (next to the page title), address bars (next to the URL), bookmarks, and others. They can also be used as your site’s shortcut icon on smart devices.

Why you Should Add a Favicon to Your WordPress Site?

Favicon is actually a way of visual marketing and website branding. Adding it to your site will help it appear more trustworthy, assist with your branding, and make your pages easier to identify. Not adding it makes your site look shady and unprofessional.

Most users usually have many tabs open in their browser window. This hides your website’s title as the number of tabs increases. This is when favicon plays an important role in helping users identify your site. It separates your website from all other sites by showing up on the tab and enables users to switch quickly to your tab. Also, having your own custom and recognizable bookmark can increase the click-through rate in search results.

Most WordPress themes come with a default favicon; before you publish your site, make sure you replace it with your own favicon. Just remember, once a favicon is selected, it shouldn’t be changed.

How to Create a Favicon?

While creating a favicon, consider using your brand’s logo. Use the same color schemes, fonts, and graphics as your primary logo so that the favicon represents your brand properly. However, sometimes with complicated logos, this can result in an unclear or confusing favicon. In that case, use a different image that represents your business and obviously reflects your brand.

Creating a favicon image with transparent background is best, especially if you have white space in the design. Also, choose the right image format. This image could be in png, jpeg, or gif format. Remember, your favicons can be as small as 16 x 16 pixels, they can also be as large as 512 x 512 pixels. It’s all about the devices and resolutions you’d like to cater to. To manually create a favicon in the exact size, use an image editing software like Adobe Photoshop. You can also use a favicon generator plugin for WordPress. Moreover, it’s often easier to use a basic cloud-based tool to create your favicon icon set from an existing image.

How to Add Favicon on Your WordPress Website?

Once you have a favicon ready to go, it’s a few-click task to add your site favicon. Since WordPress 4.3, you can add a favicon or site icon from the WordPress admin area. This is the simplest and quickest method for adding a favicon icon to WordPress.

To start, navigate to “Appearance > Customize” from the WordPress dashboard. On the following screen, you’ll get a list of customization options. Scroll down and select the “Site Identity” option from the list.

This “Site Identity” section will allow you to change the site title, description, and control whether or not you want to display them in the header. It also allows you to upload your site icon. Simply click on the “Select site icon” button to upload the image you want to use as the site icon.

In the next step, the WordPress media library will open. If you’ve already uploaded your favicon to WordPress, you can simply select it. Otherwise, click on “Upload Files” and choose the file from the folders in your computer. Confirm your selection by clicking the “Select” button.

Once you upload the favicon, you will be prompted to crop your image so that it will render correctly on your browser. This is helpful if you are uploading an image that isn’t already perfectly square.

You’ll immediately see from your browser tab that the new favicon is set.

That’s it! All you need to do is select “Publish” to make your favicon live.

If you want to change your favicon again, simply navigate back to the WordPress Customizer as explained above.

Sum Up:

There are multiple options you’ll get all over the internet to add a favicon on your WordPress site. But when WordPress itself gives you an amazing easy option to add a favicon on your WordPress site, then why you should go for the other options?

Hope, this tutorial helped you to add a favicon on your WordPress site. If you want us to write any other topic related to WordPress, please let’s know in the comment section. Also, you should visit our Blog page to get more tutorials for beginners.

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