Protecting your creative assets has become increasingly important in the digital landscape. If you’re a WordPress user who invests time and effort into creating visually appealing content, it’s essential to safeguard your images from unauthorized downloads or copying. One effective measure to accomplish this is by adding a “No Right Click” functionality to your WordPress images.

Whether you are a photographer, artist, blogger, or website owner, securing your images can be crucial in preserving your brand integrity and ensuring the fair use of your content. By implementing the “No Right Click” feature on your WordPress images, you can encourage proper attribution and usage, maintaining the value of your work and allowing visitors to enjoy it responsibly.

In this tutorial, we are going to introduce you to how to add “No Right Click” on your WordPress site. So, what are you waiting for?

Let’s delve into implementing the “No Right Click” feature on your WordPress images.

Why Add “No Right Click” on WordPress Images?

Adding a “No Right Click” functionality to WordPress images offers several important benefits for content creators and website owners. Here are some compelling reasons to consider implementing this feature:

Protection against unauthorized image downloads:

By enabling the no right-click option, you can deter casual users from saving or downloading your images without your permission. This measure helps safeguard your creative content, preventing its unauthorized use or distribution.

Preserving intellectual property rights:

As a content creator, it’s crucial to protect your intellectual property rights. Adding a “No Right Click” feature serves as an additional layer of defense, discouraging visitors from copying or reproducing your images without proper attribution or licensing.

Maintaining the value of your work:

By preventing easy access to your images, you can maintain their exclusivity and value. This discourages individuals from using your content without proper authorization, ensuring that your work is properly appreciated and respected.

Preserving Brand Integrity:

If you’re a business or a professional artist, protecting your brand integrity is crucial. Unauthorized use of your images can lead to misrepresentation, dilution of your brand identity, or even financial loss. By implementing “No Right-Click,” you maintain control over how your images are used and ensure that they are properly attributed.

Encouraging responsible image usage:

By implementing a “No Right Click” feature, you encourage visitors to respect your content and adhere to copyright guidelines. This measure reminds users to seek appropriate permissions for using your images, fostering a culture of responsible image usage.

Enhancing User Experience:

While the primary goal of adding “No Right Click” is to protect your images, it can also contribute to a better user experience. By disabling the right-click menu, you can prevent accidental navigation away from your website or the disruption of user interactions caused by unintended clicks.

Pros and Cons of Adding “No Right Click” on WordPress Images:

Adding a “No Right Click” feature to your WordPress images has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s explore the pros and cons of implementing this functionality:


Protection of Intellectual Property: By disabling the right-click context menu, you discourage casual users from easily saving or copying your images without permission, thus safeguarding your intellectual property rights.

Deterrent Against Content Theft: The “No Right Click” feature acts as a deterrent, making it more challenging for visitors to quickly download or copy your images. So this helps discourage unauthorized use and reduces the risk of content theft.

Promotion of Proper Attribution: When users are unable to right-click and save your images, it can prompt them to seek proper attribution. This encourages responsible usage and helps maintain the integrity of your creative work.

Enhanced User Experience: Disabling the right-click menu can prevent accidental actions that might disrupt the user experience, such as unintended clicks or inadvertently leaving the website. This can contribute to a smoother and more engaging user journey.


Limited Effectiveness: It’s important to note that the “No Right Click” feature is not foolproof. Determined users can still find alternative methods to save or copy your images, such as using keyboard shortcuts or inspecting the page source code. It serves as a deterrent but may not provide absolute protection.

Inconvenience for Users: Disabling the right-click menu can also inconvenience some users who have legitimate reasons to use it, such as accessing browser functionalities or opening links in new tabs. This may lead to a less intuitive or frustrating user experience for certain visitors.

Accessibility Concerns: Implementing the “No Right Click” feature may present challenges for users with disabilities who rely on assistive technologies. Some assistive devices utilize the right-click functionality as part of their interaction methods, and disabling it can impede their ability to navigate and access the content.

Compatibility Issues: Depending on the method used to add the “No Right Click” functionality, compatibility issues with certain browsers or devices may arise. It’s important to thoroughly test the implementation across different platforms to ensure a consistent experience for all users.

Impact on Image SEO: Disabling the right-click menu can hinder image search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Search engines often rely on image metadata and alternative text that can be accessed through right-clicking. Preventing this access may affect the discoverability and ranking of your images in search results.

When deciding whether to add the “No Right Click” feature to your WordPress images, it’s essential to weigh these pros and cons, considering the specific needs of your website, audience, and content protection requirements.

Alternative Ways to Discourage Image Theft on Your Website:

If you want to discourage image theft on your website, apart from adding a “No Right Click” feature, there are several alternative methods you can employ. These strategies complement each other and provide additional layers of protection. So, here are some effective approaches:

Disable Hotlinking:

Disabling hotlinking is an effective measure to discourage image theft on your website. Hotlinking, also known as inline linking or direct linking, occurs when another website uses the URL of an image hosted on your server to display it on their own web page. By disabling hotlinking, you prevent other websites from directly accessing and displaying your images, thus mitigating the risk of unauthorized usage.

Add a Copyright Notice Below Your Images:

Adding a copyright notice below your images can play a significant role in discouraging image theft on your website. A copyright notice serves as a clear indication of your ownership and the legal protection of your creative work. By including a copyright notice below your images, raise awareness about copyright laws, and discourage unauthorized usage. It establishes a clear legal foundation for protecting your creative work and encourages responsible behavior among your website visitors.

Add Watermarks to Your Images:

Watermarks are visible overlays that contain your logo, text, or copyright information. By adding watermarks to your images, you assert your ownership, promote brand recognition, discourage unauthorized usage, and encourage proper attribution. Watermarks act as a visible deterrent and help protect your creative work from being misused or claimed by others. When adding watermarks, it’s important to strike a balance between visibility and image aesthetics. Ensure that the watermark is placed in a way that doesn’t significantly detract from the overall viewing experience, while still maintaining its effectiveness in discouraging theft.

Set Up Automatic Content Theft Notifications:

Setting up automatic content theft notifications is an effective way to discourage image theft on your website. By receiving notifications when instances of content theft occur, you can promptly address the issue and take appropriate action. There are several monitoring services available that can automatically track instances of content theft on the web. These services use advanced algorithms to scan the internet and identify websites that have published your content without permission. Also, Google Alerts is a free service that allows you to receive email notifications whenever your brand name, website name, key product names, or any other relevant terms associated with your content are mentioned online.

Reverse Image Search with Google:

Reverse image search allows you to upload or enter the URL of an image to find instances where it appears on the web. By conducting regular reverse image searches for your key images, you can quickly identify websites, blogs, or social media platforms that are using your images without permission. This knowledge empowers you to take action to protect your intellectual property. However, while reverse image search can be a useful tool, it may not capture all instances of image theft, particularly if the images have been altered or modified.

Utilize Low-Resolution Images:

Low-resolution images have a lower level of detail and clarity compared to high-resolution versions. This reduction in quality makes them less desirable for unauthorized usage, especially for individuals or businesses seeking images for commercial purposes or professional presentations. Also, low-resolution images may have limitations in terms of their usability. They may not be suitable for high-quality prints or large-scale reproductions, which can discourage individuals looking to use your images for such purposes. However, it’s important to note that using low-resolution images should be balanced with the need to showcase your work effectively. Finding the right compromise between image quality and deterrence against theft is essential.

Remember that no single method can guarantee complete protection against image theft. Employing a combination of these strategies, along with regular monitoring and takedown actions, can significantly discourage unauthorized usage and protect your creative content.

How To Add “No Right Click” On WordPress Images

There are two primary methods to block right-clicking on your WordPress site: using a plugin or adding code manually. In this guide, we will provide instructions for both approaches, allowing you to choose the option that best suits your requirements and preferences.

Enable No Right Click on Website Images with Plugin:

To protect your images easily, you can utilize the No Right Click Images plugin. This plugin offers a straightforward solution by disabling right-clicking for images, while still allowing users to right-click on other content such as links. Best of all, this plugin is available for free, making it a convenient and accessible option for safeguarding your images.

Another useful feature is the ability to enable or disable right-clicking based on a visitor’s account status. This functionality is particularly valuable for websites that operate on a membership or subscription model. By implementing this feature, you can restrict right-click access to logged-in users only. Which ensures that your premium content remains protected and accessible exclusively to your members. Whether you run a subscription-based site or any other form of membership site, this capability adds an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized image downloads.

To start, first, you’ll need to install and activate the No Right Click Images plugin.

No Right Click Images Plugin

After activating the plugin, navigate to “Settings > No Right Click Images” to configure the plugin settings.

WordPress navigation

By default, the plugin provides settings that are suitable for most users. However, it is still important to review and evaluate whether any adjustments are necessary based on your specific requirements. It’s particularly crucial to examine these settings to ensure the closure of any potential loopholes that individuals might exploit to bypass the no right-click protection. Taking the time to review and potentially customize these settings will help maximize the effectiveness of the plugin in safeguarding your images from unauthorized access and downloads.

no right click images

This plugin also includes a feature that disables the dragging of images, preventing users from copying an image by dragging it onto their desktop or another tab. Considering this functionality, we highly recommend keeping the option ‘Disable Dragging of images’ checked. This ensures an additional layer of protection for your images and helps prevent unauthorized duplication or distribution.

No Right Click Images plugin also includes the functionality to disable touch and gesture events. This feature effectively prevents image theft on devices that rely on such actions. However, it’s essential to consider the potential implications if your website utilizes images as links or buttons, or if your visitors engage with your pictures through gestures. Disabling touch and gesture events can pose challenges for websites that heavily rely on image interactivity.

By default, visitors using Apple devices can still access the context menu and save images from your website. However, you have the option to enhance image protection by enabling the ‘Disable context menu on Apple devices’ feature.

When you check the corresponding box, the plugin applies a specific style to images displayed on iPhones and iPads. This style effectively prevents users from opening the Apple context menu and potentially stealing your images. Enabling this option ensures that your images remain secure on Apple devices, providing an extra layer of protection against unauthorized downloads.

Considering the prevalence of Apple devices, it’s advisable to enable this feature to safeguard your images and maintain greater control over their usage.

Once you have configured the plugin settings, click on the “Save Changes” button to store the updated settings.

no right click on WordPress images

After saving the changes, log out of your WordPress admin account and visit your website as a regular visitor. You can simply right-click on any image within your website to verify that the plugin is functioning correctly.

Adding Right Click Feature on WordPress Images Manually:

To add a “No Right-Click” functionality to WordPress images without using a plugin, first, log in to your WordPress dashboard.

Now, navigate to “Appearance > Theme Editor” and the on right-hand side, locate and click on the “Theme Functions” (functions.php) file.

Next, scroll to the bottom of the functions.php file to add the following code snippet:

function disable_right_click() {
   echo '<script>
           jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
               $(document).on("contextmenu", "img", function() {
                   return false;
add_action('wp_footer', 'disable_right_click');

Click on the “Update File” button to save the changes.

no right click on WordPress images

This code snippet uses JavaScript and jQuery to disable the right-click functionality specifically on images within your WordPress website. By adding this code you can effectively disable the right-click action on all images of your WordPress site.


By preventing visitors from right-clicking on your images, you can deter casual users from saving your content without permission or inadvertently copying it. While this method is not foolproof, it serves as a significant deterrent for the average user. Therefore, it’s always advisable to employ additional security measures such as watermarking, copyright notices, or utilizing low-resolution images if necessary. Together, these strategies can fortify your defenses and ensure your creative content remains within your control.

Hope this tutorial helped you to learn how to add “No Right Click” On WordPress Images.  For more WordPress tips and tricks check our previous articles and keep your eyes on our site for new articles.

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